By Evangelist Doris Yaro
Papa, incredible, how time flies or rather how we fly with time. life indeed is but a dream. Just within a fleet of breath, you are no more. You were righteous, courageous ,a man of faith and justice , you taught me what it means to serve and fear God with all my heart and to be always at the service of humanity.
A great father who loved his children and sacrificed all for their well being. A good husband , who loved his wife with deep and true love, so much, a “pragma” love that until you closed your mouth in death, you never cease calling her, what a love and marriage . An example that many people admired and wished to have .
Papa ,even in your last days on earth, you never stopped proclamation of the salvation of God through christ Jesus, admoniting us that,we should serve Jesus to the end.
Papa, you loved your neighbour as demanded by the scripture;you were compassionate;your sense of charity was unparalleled, you touched lives; trained numerous people and depicted the light of christ and His Love.
Above all, your life personified Integrity, truth, hard work , Discipline ,and courage,these were your golden rules. prayers was like breathing to you.You taught me to pray at all times. Conspicuously , you were a true soldier of the cross , a great General of Jesus, a no nonsense man , your boldness chased fear away. Your disciplinary nature had helped me greatly, your words of faith was my support to victory in every challenges I met. As it will continue toringing in my ears forever. I will never for get how you supported me in my education and business , you were my pastor, mentor , teacher and Best father.
Great father, Victorious General of Christ,Man of peace and truth , rest in the Bosom of the Lord.